Rat Alert: teenage hardcore punk one-two-fuck-you style

New release by Teenage Waste Records
Teenage Waste | 11/07/2020
What do you do in an industrial city when you're a teenager and you have nothing? We’ll give you a hint.
Step #1 - find friends.
Step #2 - start a punk rock band.
So did the guys from the band Rat Alert in 2013 in Chelyabinsk.
No matter this tape has a crooked recording, cheap instruments, primitive lyrics, but you sincerely believe them - isn't for this we love this genre? This is an angry teenage Fuck You from the past for all the surrounding reality.
The band no longer exists. But if it managed to cut the despondency of an industrial giant with its noise and rage for several years, if it gave someone the feeling that everything can be different for a moment, then everything was not in vain.
With love, we present a new release – Rat Alert from Chelyabinsk with a self-titled EP.

Buy(support) tape for $5 / download for free price: https://teenagewasterecords.bandcamp.com/album/rat-alertv
Tags: #punk rock

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